Humans had a dream of being immortal since the ancient times. You can make your face younger by 20- year thanks to the plastic surgery technology, but it doesn't make you youthful internally. Will humans be able to make the whole body young forever? You may think that this is a science fiction, but it is actually possible with the future technology. In this article, we hope to educate you about five technologies that can make humans immortal. 

It is possible to tiny computers smaller than human cells with nanotechnology. Scientists can employ these tiny machines to investigate the whole body. Creating such a small machine is a very complicated process. If scientists made such a tiny nanobot which is capable of repairing cells, it is possible to stop the aging process. Some specialists predict that humans will be able to stop aging in 2029 thanks to this amazing technology. 

Imaging that freezing a human body and make take him back to life after 100 of years. Is it amazing, isn't it? We can do the same by using Cryogenic Freezing technology. Scientists are now working hard to improve this technology. After they developed this technology, they will be able to bring back a frozen human to life. They have recently conducted an experiment using a rabbit, and it has shown amazing results. 

Bionic is another technology, which will allow human to live forever with help of bionics machine.

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